Cynthia Senior Secondary School

Cynthia Senior Secondary School, Haldwani
Cynthia Senior Secondary School

Tree Plantation Drive by School Eco Club: Plant4Mother initiative

Saturday 27th Jul,2024

The Eco Club of Cynthia school today undertook a tree plantation drive under #Plant4Mother initiative with enthusiastic participation from both students and parents. The event aimed to promote environmental awareness, enhance green cover, and foster a sense of responsibility toward nature.

The Eco Club members (students), Parents and School Staff participated in the event.

Impact and Future Plans

  • Over [number] saplings were planted during the drive.
  • The Eco Club plans to organize follow-up sessions to educate students and parents on tree care.
  • Regular monitoring will ensure the survival and growth of the newly planted trees.

The tree plantation drive was a collaborative effort that brought together students, parents, and school staff. It not only contributed to a greener environment but also instilled a sense of environmental stewardship among all participants. Let’s continue nurturing these saplings and watch them flourish into mighty trees

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